Top 10 MEV Boost Relays and Block Builders

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Top 10 MEV Boost Relays and Block Builders

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FlashbotsFlashbotsMEV Relays Flashbots is a research and development organization formed to mitigate the negative externalities posed by Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) to stateful blockchains, starting with Ethereum.linkedin
BloXroute Max ProfitBloXroute-Max-ProfitMEV Relays Node operators should set up MEV-Boost to connect to bloXroute MEV relay. bloXroute provides three types of MEV relays that validators and builders can connect to:
Max profit: Relay that propagates all available transactions/bundles with no filtering.
Ethical: Relay that propagates non-frontrunning bundles and private transactions. bloXroute tries its best to filter out MEV bundles that execute strategies like generalized frontrunning and sandwiching.
Regulated: Relay that propagates all available transactions/bundles except the ones sent from/to wallet addresses that are sanctioned by OFAC.
bloXroute RegulatedBloXroute-Max-ProfitMEV Relays Node operators should set up MEV-Boost to connect to bloXroute MEV relay. bloXroute provides three types of MEV relays that validators and builders can connect to:
Max profit: Relay that propagates all available transactions/bundles with no filtering.
Ethical: Relay that propagates non-frontrunning bundles and private transactions. bloXroute tries its best to filter out MEV bundles that execute strategies like generalized frontrunning and sandwiching.
Regulated: Relay that propagates all available transactions/bundles except the ones sent from/to wallet addresses that are sanctioned by OFAC.
bloXroute EthicalBloXroute-Max-ProfitMEV Relays Node operators should set up MEV-Boost to connect to bloXroute MEV relay. bloXroute provides three types of MEV relays that validators and builders can connect to:
Max profit: Relay that propagates all available transactions/bundles with no filtering.
Ethical: Relay that propagates non-frontrunning bundles and private transactions. bloXroute tries its best to filter out MEV bundles that execute strategies like generalized frontrunning and sandwiching.
Regulated: Relay that propagates all available transactions/bundles except the ones sent from/to wallet addresses that are sanctioned by OFAC.
BlocknativeBlocknativeMEV RelaysReal-time blockchain applications. Blocknative builds infrastructure to monitor and manage the complexity of transacting on public blockchain networks. Learn more about how we are shaping the future of DeFi, NFTs, and more. Blocknative builds infrastructure to monitor and manage the complexity of the mempool — making it available to every builder and trader. Our goal is to make working with mempool data as easy and accessible as working with every other aspect of Web3.twitterlinkedin
EdenEdenMEV RelaysEden Network is a user-focused blockchain infrastructure provider. On Ethereum we operate the Eden Rocket RPC; a private network that provides traders with transaction protection, and NFT minters with transaction priority. With our most expansion to Proof-of-Stake blockchains like Avalanche, Eden Network now provides key liquid staking and validation infrastructure to optimize yield generation, increase TVL and drive network growth.twitterlinkedin
Agnostic RelayAgnostic-RelayMEV RelaysAgnostic Relay is an open-source MEV Boost relay available to anyone, anywhere in the world, without prejudice or privilege. It is an ideal relay for block producers and block builders trying to provide neutral features. Agnostic Relay is powered by the know-how and experience of Gnosis communities and contributors.
Ulatra Sound RelayUlatra-Sound-RelayMEV RelaysThe ultra sound relay is a credibly-neutral and permissionless relay—a public good from the team. A credibly-neutral relay only validates blocks against consensus rules as in enshrined proposer-builder separation.

Manifold FinanceManifold-FinanceMEV RelaysMaximal Extractable Opportunities. Making the connections to protocols and people for DeFi opportunities. OpenMEV enables protocols to not only protect their users it also maximizes returns by recapturing arbitrage profit back to the protocol.twitterlinkedin
RelayooorRelayooorMEV Relays -
Aestus AestusMEV RelaysThe Aestus MEV-Boost Relay is a neutral, non-censoring block relay for Ethereum proof-of-stake validators and block builders.twitter
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